It's a somewhat funny long name, but it works in a way I'll explain later and they should keep it (in three years will it make it easier or harder to find them though a Google search?). I think it sounds just like you would expect it to sound. Recorded live, blast beats, someone shrieking. It's like someone turned on a blender. I can't really hear much of what's going on as I don't know what is going on most of the time when I listen to music, and this is all so mysterious and cool to me. Most music is though. They provided lyrics, which helps in understanding what is going on in the songs. They scream kind of determined to lose their voices which I think is pretty great yet I kind of get scared that this band will last past the screams and they'll do some weird grunty produced-at-god-city type of thing (not that I mind it, but it's the only way to describe what I am thinking and I know for certain that many who read this blog know exactly what I mean). If it comes to that then woo hoo! Never doubt a screamo though. Oh yeah, the name of the band is kind of in the same vogue as their lyrics. Everything is mushed up and shrieked out. All in all I suppose they sound like how I feel when I'm on the bus and am having an anxiety attack. So good.
"...wasthisthefacethatlaunchedtenthousandships?" - all those born among them
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Glass Hits - Pioneers Get The Arrows, Settlers Get The Land
Another band deeply ingrained with a 90's post hardcore influence without the typical college indie rock leanings. The guitars are airy and chunky at different times, for good reasons as it sounds good. I feel that this is where the rock and roll shit of the early 2000's was supposed to head. The Convocation Of... paved way for bands like The Strokes and The Vines, even unknowingly, and made it acceptable to rock the fuck out. I mean bands like Royal Trux and Jon Spencer's stuff were doing similar things, but they were less punk/hardcore sounding... I mean how much punk does a band like The Vines have? That song Ceremony (the punk one) let us hear before their newest album was released sounded exactly like The Vines... maybe they were trying to sound like this instead but missed it by a long mile. Regardless, this band is really fucking amazing. The vocalist sounds as though he is in some form of ecstasy, as though it were still okay to feel good about singing. I think the guitars near Grinderman sounding at times. I have no idea what anyone is playing. I'm not a musician really, I just love this stuff. I love it so much I find no words to explain it at all. Fortunately this band is kind enough to let us have their full length for freezy. Thanks.
Glass Hits - Pioneers Get The Arrows, Settlers Get The Land
Glass Hits - Pioneers Get The Arrows, Settlers Get The Land
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Veneers - Demo
A bracket from my braces snapped off and I feel so powerless. I also regret not getting braces earlier.
If there's one thing that the internet casually does, it is to remind me of how behind I am when it comes to listening to the righteous of jams. Firstly Veneers comes across as being some sort of missing Tonie Joy band; sounding a bit like The Convocation Of... is pretty much a good thing even if there's nothing really taken away or even added. I think that sounds like a hit on Veneers, but as a demo this is awesome. The three songs are not hit or miss as they are all really goddamn rocking. Young Widows is another band that offers a viable sound comparison to those in the know. I'm kind of bummed out that I have to go to the dentist so I'll just finish (maybe) by stating that the guitar sounds fucking great on this. Really beautiful and pulsing with sound. When things get shouty it feels just about right.
Veneers - Demo
Stripper Pussy - Pure Pussy
Seemingly appeared out of nowhere, to me at least. The first time I got a chance to hear Stripper Pussy was via Ruptures. I was so tempted to go to the show but I wouldn't have been able to get back home and as I get older I am getting sick of wandering in the middle of the night wondering where my life is going. Regardless, Stripper Pussy is really fucking great. Tying the band into me having mental breakdowns at midnight while trying to think of ways back home, the first thing Pure Pussy starts off with is "I'd rather be fucking." You know, they're right. Somehow Stripper Pussy has basically exhaled years of pent up sexual prowess and (what seems to be) tons of stored early to middle 00's Southern California electroclash booty shaking (and whatever else that era made us vomit). It honestly reminds me of waiting in line for the Blood Brothers, or the Locust, or even smoking pot while listening to Gravy Train!!! and making bad jokes about being attracted to ugly people with ugly haircuts. Unfortunately I kept my ugly haircut and will always be ugly. This band rules.
Stripper Pussy - Pure Pussy
Stripper Pussy - Pure Pussy
Planet Vegeta - Demo
A pretty groovy two piece band; following the drummer and bassist pattern of other noise rock bands but doing it as they feel like doing it. I booked them a show a few months ago with other bands (Vomit Bastard, Life of Refusal/Beez, Egrets on Ergot, and others) and it was going to be a blast but because of my dumbass behalf it did not go through. Sometimes stuff like that happens I suppose. Anywho, they're going to be here again on August 4th with poppier bands, so I will see how it goes along with whoever else decides to show up. I trust that they're going to be as awesome and fun live as they are on their recorded tracks. I think the theme and name are particularly silly, but I feel that it's all the better to dig them as a band. Regardless I don't think bands of this nature usually have super serious names or an intense demeanor, but I may be proven wrong and they could very well end up being scary live. Also, although I do not smoke pot I will probably be indulging in their Saiyan grooves and interplanetary boogie-like vibes as I am into that type of stuff.
Planet Vegeta - Demo
Planet Vegeta - Demo
Wreck And Reference - No Youth
This is a really cool (maybe) little band that has a pretty huge sound. Very atmospheric. Bands like this usually just play out one sound over and over, yet Wreck And Reference let their ideas spill out all over the 10 songs. Lyrically things are very desperate and unforgiving, so in one area you can say the idea is to be somewhat pained, but the music surrounding the pitfalls the lyrics are telling is pretty fucking colossal.What this does is turn every instrument sound into a doorway or driveway, or a bathroom, some part of the scenery that the lyrics are contained within. It's kind of a mix of Brighter Death Now and other stuff. Honestly it's varied. Sometimes things are drone influenced, other times they're noisy, and then other times it's post-metal. Even the vocals shift around from sung, spoken, screamed and back. What do you like? I believe that Wreck And Reference hits it at least once on this album. I also think that this band sometimes hits a sound that I can only describe as the negative wavelength of stuff such as M83 and other stuff like that. I don't know. It's all kinds of enjoyable.They're also about to shoot through a West Coast tour... I am probably going to miss out on their July 5th date at Human Resources because of work, but it would be cool.
Wreck And Reference - No Youth
Wreck And Reference - No Youth
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Ruptures - D∑CΔ
Ruptures is a pretty groovy band. I already posted their D E A D B L O O M Ep. The Ep was particularly good, even though it was a shift of direction from their earlier stuff which was a form of melodic post-hardcore. The sound on the Ep is expanded greatly on this release. D∑CΔ starts out with its namesake, and has a lot to offer in terms of discernible sounds that can only be heard if you are listening carefully. A lot of guitar effects that give a sense of chaos and some, what I assume to be, synth sounds accompany the introduction to the album. I'm not sure. Regardless, each song is a pulsating rager of post-hardcore mixed with slabs of punk, metal, and all sorts of other DIY-based music sensibilities. The vocal range of the singers has altered just a little bit, where one shouted in a more throaty higher pitched manner on the Ep, this time he seems to be almost singing in that way. I suppose there isn't much of a difference at all, if there even is one. I'd just like to point out that The Blood Brothers/Red Light Sting sassy vocals carries itself and alternates very well compared to the other singers crusty cookie monster vocals. I don't know what I'm trying to say anymore. Just give it a listen.
Ruptures - D∑CΔ
Ruptures - D∑CΔ
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
False Light - False Light
Slowly but surely my attention had been turning to this band called False Light from Charleston, SC. In between doing research on ancient Indian/Mesopotamian/Chinese civilization for this quiz I have on Thursday (tomorrow) I decided to give in. Fortunately the research break ended up being worthwhile because as the first song ended I decided it was time to close the curtains as to not embarrass myself from bedroom moshing. What you get is the really currently welcomed negative and self-deprecating hardcore that's been gaining steam and getting kids to drop their angst off somewhere. I believe this is the first output for the band and it sounds really good! Each song is pretty well constructed in terms of aiming what it is aiming for, which is neurotic pissed off thought patterns as a mode of release. I think at least. The more I listen to the band the more I feel like the youthful vigor of angst paves way for self-demolition and ultra constructed internal confusion. Going to sleep wishing you wouldn't wake up the next morning as you know you'll feel like shit type of music. Loud. I like it. Tape soon.
False Light - False Light
False Light - False Light
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Guidelines - Guidelines EP
One of the homies from Daido Loori posted this in the CMHWAK forums a few days ago, on the day of the EP's internet release I think. My first thought from listening to the EP in its entirety for the first time was that the band definitely had the same qualities that made me love the Drago Miette. This band does not have the synthesizers or electronics that the Drago Miette possessed, but they do have a similar full sound where every instrument and shout adds to some wall of sound feel that resonates throughout the whole EP. Which makes it very easy to get a little lost in the songs. This isn't a bad thing though. A dream-like undercurrent envelops within the songs as you listen to really awesome musicianship and abrasive vocals. Like the Drago Miette, the band makes the noise and production a big integral part of the EP, and ultimately makes the songs fairly beautiful. I don't know how else to describe it. I also get reminded of metalcore tinged screamo bands, stuff like xvpopdmx and Dispensing of False Halos, more the latter than the former especially in terms of the way both the vocalists sound. Actually, thinking about it now, the band sounds like a mash between the production values and sound aesthetics of the Drago Miette mixed in with the musicianship and vocals of Dispensing of False Halos. Again, I'm sorry if the band gets mad at me for comparing them with other bands. I, for some reason, cannot help it today. The worst thing I could do is compare bands to one another. Oh well. This is good stuff.
Guidelines - Guidelines EP
Guidelines - Guidelines EP
Baklavaa - Hairmoans
The only other band I have listened to that includes a zillion little tiny nearly (both) melodic and chaotic bits in their songs in Mass Movement of the Moth. I think there are a ton of similarities, both have synths and stuff, or I don't know what those are, swirling noises that remind you that post hardcore is also very experimental; the over amounting aggression of not playing overly aggressive sounding songs; and the shouty, not shouty, and the sometimes kind of sung vocals. With bands like these, you have to try to wrap your mind around what other influences they have other than the experimental side of post-hardcore, or even of music. Mass Movement of the Moth was one of those bands that proudly wore their influences and turned them into their own ideas, I feel that Baklavaa does the same. I think it'd be hard to kind of go ahead and tell you what this band digs, but the revolving door of band members inserts a revolving door of influences. The album starts out very modern post-hardcore, like the stuff that's been rolling the deep end of blogspot, tumblrs, and bandcamps for the past two years or so, but it quickly flips the table a minute in, adding a synthy sound without the fear of the musicianship nearly collapsing. It isn't even in a very bland 2012 emotional hardcore type of way either. Then again, it quickly shifts back to where it started with. I think that kind of alternate balance with sound is important nowadays. Bands all too quickly indulge in trying to find out what their fan base will eat up (even underground DIY bands) and play the same song over and over. Baklavaa starts off sounding like a modernized version of Commander Venus (again, with this band today) in "I Don't Understand Anything," then again the song collapses near the end, then picks itself back up with a very natural progression. Somehow the album just keeps building up in this way all the meanwhile as it touches with different styles or influences of post hardcore, until Marijuana Abuse closes out righteously. I think I've already written a good amount.
Baklavaa - Hairmoans
Baklavaa - Hairmoans
Atlas At Last - Ceviche
This band went through a big change last year. I suppose they were two different bands (according to the info on Sailboats bandcamp page - not the band that died in a tragic, tragic accident RIP) or something, but now go by Atlas At Last. Regardless of the name, the songs are pretty neat. First off on "Fish" there's a weird kind of emo feel to it, with a little more melodic rhythm to it. I suppose I feel it's a mix of Commander Venus with some Shroomunion (they always had weird guitar progressions that this song seems to flow with) caked on top of it, with the versatility and "vibe" of The Convocation Of...; I feel that the song doesn't sound like any of these bands, really, unless they were all strung together. It isn't until the 2 minute mark where the band seems to find its own voice, kind of sounding similar to other post-hardcore bands, but with some "pirate-like" agitation. I don't know, it seems that was done super purposefully given the lyrics and song title. The rest of the songs are fairly similar, not in the way that some bands write the same song over and over, but how you can tell that this is Atlas At Last. "Raindrops Keep Eating One Another" has some Weezer-esque chord progression, I think, at least it sounds like that to me. It sounds even more like Commander Venus than the song before it, with the vocalist tending to shout out words like the homeboy from Cursive. Very Omaha/indie-rock or something. The closer "In The Company Of" is still pretty almost indie rock emo, with some aggression, definitely like Cursive. I hope this band doesn't hate me for describing their sound using other band names.
Atlas At Last - Ceviche
Atlas At Last - Ceviche
Friday, May 11, 2012
Elad Love Affair - A Woman Gives Birth To A Gun And It Stabs Her
I'm crying. I was listening to my shitty ripped copy of this EP earlier this morning and finally got sick and tired of the skips that came with the burned CD so I searched for members of this band on google trying to ask them for mp3s or something, I dunno, and I stumble on to their bandcamp. I don't know what to say about this band. 2002 was such a weird fucking time for me as I totally was into koRn and at the same time went to backyard gigs set up by the local "non racist" hispanic skin heads where I got my first taste of DIY. It was my first year of high school or maybe my last year of middle school. I can only remember reading about this band in Skratch magazine and they were given a pretty good rating for a "post-hardcore" band. I always wanted to know what that sounded like. Anyways I find a way to get someone to mail me a super shitty burned CDr that has track 5 (When You've Run Out of Words...) twice on it and I figured it was just supposed to be that way. So great to finally hear the elusive track two (which builds up to an amazing finish). God I love this band. You don't have to, if I remember correctly not a lot of people did, at least those I talked to. It's alright, my little secret. Whatever.
Elad Love Affair - A Woman Gives Birth To A Gun And It Stabs Her
Elad Love Affair - A Woman Gives Birth To A Gun And It Stabs Her
Monday, April 9, 2012
Chinesedream. - Chinesedream.

Chucks vocals are just to fucking die for. Honestly they come off bratty when not full on screamed, which is amazing, it's totally mimicking the snottiness and brattyness of punk bands. The rest of the time Chuck is screaming painfully or kind of whimpering, and even then the rest of the band adds (I think, unless it's all just Chuck, and if so, congrats on having varied vocal styles) their own singing vocals and grunts which creates a more urgent kind of band than what was heard on their demo. Often times it leaves us with gorgeous shout bouts with the electronic noises zapping around (just like at the very end of frustration, a reworked song with a shorter title that was on their demo) done by drummer Sonny, that sounds like something ripped out of Burn, Piano Island Burn or Hypermagic Mountain, whose drums are full on in these recordings. Totally full on, sound wise and playing wise, I have no other way to describe it. Lance plays amazing too, sometimes the guitars are blackened in a way in that each chord just blends on top of one another that it's kind of discernible in a constant discordant fashion. New member Dave adds to the mix with his own flavor by way of the Bass, grooving to the rest of the bands discordant sound, distributing a more fuller sound that, once again, sounds a bit sad and moody (even when following Lance) as the rest of the band feels like it's on the verge of exploding, awesome.
We open with a reworked version of an introduction to discomfort which would sort of clue you in on what you are in for. What you end up getting is something louder and way more intense sounding. The end of the song is different due to Sonny's addition of electronic sounds which he has managed to incorporate instead of using a hi-hat, and it worked out! So there you go screamos, experimentation works! The next track, eternity, chaos, is more of an intro to the next jam, harmony korine's glasses, and is 4 minutes of sound clips ripped straight from Korine's often disturbing movies. As such, I can guess a ton of people will definitely be annoyed with that, but hey, fuck you. harmony korine's glasses starts off with some noise, and Chuck stating that life is too short, eventually his vocals collapse and he gets a little snotty. Pure awesome. The screaming whelp 44 seconds in reminds me why this band has something I totally dig. Chuck switches it up with a grunt that is sort of like a build up of the moaning snottiness earlier in the song. my fingertips, your fingertips, ours is the Chinesedream. song that is kind of reminiscent of the demo (even more than the two reworked songs), but Lance's guitar playing is so fucking good on this, especially when he plays in a groovy way, that it's like the band has matured no matter how much they still sound like their old selves (which isn't a bad thing). Maybe even the incorporation of Dave's bass playing is what does this. Up next is the anthem of our generation, basically, the fucked up chicken violence (minor note: haha, I came up with that term on so I could hear bands of a certain style on the chicken violence radio thing that does, and I was kind of embarrassed for myself when the band knew that). Immediately we descend into the reworked frustration ( which was titled a dramatic display of frustration and questions that wield no answers on their demo). The song is nearly the same as the demo, yet has that wonderful electronic pulse that Sonny adds to the songs. It ends with the same screamy chant (This is where I begin, this is where you end!), yet it sounds cleaner, it sounds fuller. Also, Chuck's spoken word is cut short, and sounds more tired and beat up, er frustrated I suppose. Serious, what a fucking awesome release.
Chinesedream. - Chinesedream.
LONG POST, so there's bound to be typos. Oh well.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Daido Loori - Laika

Really mindblowing! Not that they exist, because they do, but because they sound the way they do. Someone built a goddamn time machine. Channeling the chaotic and emotive fury of Iowa/South D. (In Loving Memory/SOV/etc), Daido Loori plays this kind of music the way it's supposed to be played. Honestly thought bands stopped doing this sound (aside from certain ones that start up and break up instantly) in exchange for a more boorish B9 hardcore sound. Hopefully Daido Loori keeps a longer life than other bands, because they're pretty fucking awesome. Hopefully this is another preview of shit to come from the screamo scene, it was pretty dull and overproduced for a while (or incredibly lo fi; the two extremes made for bad mix cd's).
Daido Loori - Laika
Worn Out - Demo 2011

So... this is not a free release, it's $2, but really I'm posting this here to not forget to buy one of their tapes, that I hope they still have. It sounds really amazing. Angry and sometimes frightening grindcore. Those vocals are really killer. I'd definitely like to get to know more about this band, and get one of 'em tapes (soon). You should check them out, literally listening to this is more important than reading this, so go listen, stop reading!
Reading sucks!
Worn Out - Demo 2011
Lord Snow - Sovngarde

Just a few minutes ago Lord Snow, on their facebook, announced that they had put up their new EP for download through bandcamp which was a pretty awesome move by them. I suppose they realized that it was going to end up on the internet regardless, and now you can nab it free (or with donation) with a (kind of) clean conscience. Are download blogs killing music? Who can tell? I know I'll do my part to kill just about anything. If you haven't heard Lord Snow before think of modern day screamo stuff with high pitched vocals. This really shouldn't matter, but they have a female singer who also sings for another pretty well known band. Actually, another thing that shouldn't matter, but the band is made up of other fairly well known and well liked bands: Raw Nerve, Suffix, Lautrec, and others. It's some pretty good kitten violence, hehehe, a little bit noisy as well, and not really in that Japanese way, but the guitars are always distorted regardless. It's pretty good, very emo. They also announced that they have new shirts, cds, and tapes, so hit them up on their facebook (link below).
Lord Snow - Sovngarde
ULTRA//NEGATIVE - Finally, I'm At Peace

Stumbled upon this band on bandcamp again, because it's spring break I have time to do this shit. I dunno what to say. I suppose I can start with comparisons and then break away from there. Firstly this sounds like In/Humanity, Luke Skawalker, The End of the Century Party, and other 90's stuff with similar powerviolence music that had those screechy/shouty/oddly weird vocals. I like this a ton. It's a modern day emoviolence thing, but I'm sure the band would hate being called that, so let's just say it's straight up evil Power Violence. I mean, if you know what I mean then you don't have to read the rest of this post. Think of someone screaming high pitched, but to where they've done it so much they couldn't scream as high pitched any longer, so instead of screaming they did this weird shouty thing, kind of the same high pitched sound, but not as high pitched, more crushed, or something, with instruments that address fast paced hardcore music, sloppy and urgent. I don't know.
ULTRA//NEGATIVE - Finally, I'm At Peace
Monday, March 19, 2012
Various Artists - Dialogues: A Benefit For Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary CS

It's always groovy to see a community get together and do something really nice, especially when the community is often misunderstood as being pointlessly angry and very scary. We're all creeps in this world, but some of us still have our hearts in the right place. Each band has a distinct sound, but overall are all punk or whatever. I don't like some of the bands really (more like just one of them, and believe me it isn't Troubled Sleep, they rule), but oh well, and boo hoo. Great work!
DIALOGUES: A Benefit For Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary
Cassette / Digital download on Hydrogen Man Records (HMR004)
"Dialogues: A Benefit For Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary" is a compilation of songs by bands who promote, encourage, and/or live by a vegan diet. The comp features 13 bands from around the United States that are active in the DIY punk/hardcore community and advocate for animal rights. All proceeds of this release will be donated directly to Chenoa Manor, a non-profit animal sanctuary outside of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This compilation is available now as a donation-based download.
Various Artists - Dialogues: A Benefit For Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary CS
Host - There's Nothing Up There But Heavy Clouds

Host are a really good band, pretty groovy, or not. I don't know what to say anymore, I think I've run out of things to say and should let the music speak for itself, but hey, who cares? Darkened and blackened and all that other cool stuff I've been saying about bands for the past couple of years since I heard Teen Cthulhu. This is kind of like the great Teen Cthulhu (but I feel a lot more chaotic), a little bit at least, crusty and mad as all heck hardcore punk, metallic hardcore, or I don't know - I feel there are a billion ways to describe this kind of unfocused non-kind of melodic, super pissed off emotional hardcore stuff. I don't know anything. I suppose if you want to know something you'd hit up their faceook, and if you wanna buy a neato 7" with these four songs then don't be scared to hit up Cricket Cemetery (particularly here). You can also peep their demo here.
Host - There's Nothing Up There But Heavy Clouds
Viduus - Fearfully Awaiting The End

Viduus have successfully made some darkened hardcore songs. Really angry, and uber nihilistic. Formed from members of other bands, and thrown into the blender of hardcore punk that spits out metallic stuff like His Hero is Gone and Tragedy, you know what I mean. Surprisingly, this stuff isn't as relentless, but it is just as good, at least I think so. Properly done and properly angry. The lyrics have some big words in them, so I had to bring out a dictionary to understand some of them, and realized that Naught But Perversion was basically a big fuck you to me and my generation. Well, we deserve it. I'm pretty much anticipating what the band does next. I also ran into a mediafire link with more stuff (essentially the artwork to be thrown on a tape for your listening/viewing pleasure), but you'll have to look that out on your own, or simply message the band/ask nicely on facebook.
Viduus - Fearfully Awaiting The End
Mass Movement of the Moth - Outerspace

Mass Movement of the Moth rules. Some of their stuff is very out there to the point where you want to stay there with 'em, but they made some super accessible stuff too. Outerspace is probably their most accessible output. It's all good, because it's just what the world needed at the time. I never felt scared to put it on when some of my swoopy haired homeboys were over, the only thing that would probably creep them out was the obvious satanic (or whatever) undertones that they fucked around with in the lyrics, at least I think... I've never known their lyrics really, but I recognize their songs by their music, the synths, the guitars, drums, bass... and the way it all incoherently goes so good together. Like a circus side show, Mass Movement of the Moth was an awe inspiring post hardcore band. RIP. Also I realize that I made a post on them a while ago, but I wanted to actually write about them this time. Check out their website, which has cover art, even more download links (it's like they're practically giving it away!) and a goodbye note or something, and then listen to the rest of their stuff which has been made downloadable on bandcamp.
Mass Movement of the Moth - Outerspace
*Reminder, most of these posts have the bandname linked to their facebook page or if not there should be a website somewhere there. Like the bands and say "thx" or something cool.
Witch in her Tomb - Witch in her Tomb

A few things before I continue with my meaningless life; firstly, I've been posting a lot because I'm on Spring Break, secondly, I have been looking for a job and found out that I still have two misdemeanors on my record for stuff that I took care of a while back but recklessly forgot to wipe from my criminal record. Two misdemeanors that I would like to get off my record, because they make me look like a goddamn worthless drug addicted fuck head to every HR person in my state. Two misdemeanors that I need money to annex from my history. I'm kind of screwed. I don't care, I do care. I'm very mad.
Oh wait, a third thing, kind of; Witch in her Tomb are apart of a roster of bands that are kind of mysterious to me, but I dig, you can check out Crippled Sound Recordings itself here (update coming soon!) and more Crippled Sound Recordings stuff (free music) here, and you can even be a cool guy and buy some of their stuff here, be cool you guy.
Witch in her Tomb are destructive black metal. That's not really a genre, "destructive black metal," but that is how they sound like to me. Kind of like WOLD, or so. I'm not a big black metal aficionado, as I have mentioned before, but I do like to listen to it from time to time and get down with some angry stuff that nationalists and poetics alike can get down with. Not to say that I listen to NS black metal, because I don't, unless Witch in her Tomb are NS, which I don't think they are, more than likely they're not, but you should email them just in case.
Witch in her Tomb - Witch in her Tomb
Locktender - Collected

A band that I had heard nothing of, and almost over looked if I had not noticed that they are ex Men as Trees, which makes me feel like a dumb ass. I feel like this band is going to go places, or has, or will continue, I don't know, but this is honestly some of the best emo to take hold of me. The first and third song are pretty long, but not boring or overall lengthy in a miserable way, all three songs on the bandcamp page have awesome guitar lines which sound really good, nearly perfect, accompanied with gutteral/shouty vocals and competent drums. These guys know what they're doing, the production of each song is awesome. It's not overproduced either like a lot of screamo/hardcore/whatever nowadays, with over the top sounding snare drums and vocals that overtake the rest of the music. It's almost perfect. Poetic lyrics, that they seem to be proud of, if you're into that. Check out their wordpress that has updates and some other stuff. You can preview it on their bandcamp page.
From Jason/Locktender
So Locktender is a conceptual hardcore band from Cleveland, OH with all of the members of Men as Trees. All of our songs are about and inspired by different works of art and our albums will focus on specific artists. This 'Collected' release is three songs that are all being released on vinyl splits this year. A 7" with Cassilis from Philadelphia, a 12" with Brighter Arrows from Chicago (ex-Lautrec, Mans, Phoenix Bodies), and another 12" that is still TBA. Our singer Nick will do the CD release through his label Mopsorden and Utarid Tapes will do one in Malaysia. As with MAT, everything will be free to download so we are just trying to get this out there as much as possible before our Euro tour this July with Sailing On from Germany.
Locktender - Collected
Black Kites - Last Three Songs
I am such a turd, I know in the last post I said that Black Kites weren't honestly my thing, my total 100% thing, but they're still a good band, and aren't awful at all. Their last three song output just proves this and makes me think that I should revisit all of their material and put my foot in my mouth. Tom is a nice dude, makes CMHWAK worth being a site honestly. I love the fact that he provides commentary in the forums (and on his blog). He needs an award for sticking with the hardcore scene for the past 15 or whatever years of his life. These songs are ragers, very aggressive and angsty, noisy at times and screamy at all times. I'm not sure what the purpose of these three songs are other than to say goodbye, but you can hear a transition between Black Kites and capacities (I don't think that was done purposeful though). The tracks are untagged, but in pretty good quality and provided courtesy of Ride the Fury who is also selling this release as a tape (which there are probably some still available of and I need to get, god damn it).
Black Kites - Last Three Songs
and you can listen to it on their bandcamp
or here
Black Kites - Last Three Songs
and you can listen to it on their bandcamp
or here
capacities - Preliminary Recording

I'm going to jump around like a maniac and say this is totally god damn awesome. I wasn't the biggest fan of Black Kites, they were a bit too chunky hardcore for me, and let's face it, they weren't going to make music just to please a retard (me) that lives on the other side of the continent, although they were also awesome (those last three songs are a testament to what we lost when they broke up). So Tom from Black Kites (and other bands, You and I for one) surprised the F out of me by posting this on the CMHWAK forums (a little bit too) recently. I hope this guy never stops making music. One of the best. Screamo, Skramz, hardcore, whatever. These can be considered preview tracks for a full length (12 songs) that I hope gets released somehow.
capacities - Preliminary Recording
The Truth About Dreaming
I don't have a Download for this, no one does maybe. I feel that you should check this out if you are totally into DIY Noisy Screamo. It has all the best elements of bands like Jeromes Dream and Adriell mixed in with some experimental noise ala Asami Yamazaki and some Japanese Noise Not Music. Nolan has been doing this for a while as xIWSWUYSBx and Celestial Being, but this is just a far cry ahead of anything else he's done imo. Not to knock on his other efforts, because I dig them, but they (and his label Plastic Smile Records) haven't had the attention they deserve that I feel xTTADx will give to them. Support Nolan, PSR, and xTTADx.

They're a pretty hip band, you can tell. I mean, I know, because when I saw them play they were all hip. This band has members of other bands playing Crustened Hardcore, which is I guess Crust punk. A little black, you know? Darkened. Lyrics that make the human species pathetic and nihilism the end of the dirt road, there ain't pushing past misery here. This rules, that's all. Slurry guitars/bass, guttural vocals, pounding drums, and it's all fucking fine. Six songs of immoral self-hatred.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Violent Bullshit - Live on Breakthrough Radio

Violent Bullshit - Live on Breakthrough Radio
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Sarte - Sarte

Sarte - Sarte
Friday, January 27, 2012
Flowers In Gun Barrels - Discography

Kind of a late and no brainer in terms of posting this on here. I should have when the gettin' was good, but still relevant in 2012. Plastic Smile Records had their discography with all their hits on 'em, but sadly that is now unavailable, I think. Still, the split with xiwswuysbx... is still available for the taking, so take it! Considering they had some of their stuff released on PSR, and they had a split with xiwswuysbx, you can kind of assume what they sound like: skrammy skramtacular skram. It's not violent, in that it's not very aggressive sounding, but it's really fast and light, airy, kind of like a blender. Chrispy guitars, airy atmosphere, screamy vocals on the verge of screechy, and some of dat emo. The Finest.
Flowers In Gun Barrels - Discography
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Brain Fever - Brain Fever

Female fronted weird and mathy hm, screamo? I don't know or think that's the best way to describe Brain Fever, but it's close and good enough for now. To me it sounds like a non-synthy VSS discovered a female singer, at least a little bit. Ripping bass sound and magical background growling, or howling or whatever it may be. The instruments sound very good, it gets very Orchid at times, but I suppose music like this is supposed to get very Orchid at times. This is a chunky sounding release, which most of the time I don't like, but since I really like the rhythm section in this mathy band it works really well. What more is there to say... well, it sounds like they're having a good time with their sound which I like, it's very loose and tight knit at the same time, chaotic organization. It's funny to say, but if I were describe this band using other bands I would probably (and am going to) drop Shroomunion, The VSS, The Blood Brothers, and The Avenging Disco Godfathers of Soul (I'm such a piece of shit for comparing this band to others).
Brain Fever - Brain Fever
Pilot Episode - Demo

Pilot Episode - Demo
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MOTHS are from Texas, and are on their West Coast tour currently (please help them out since some of their equipment was just stolen a day or so ago), hitting up what are considered local places for me. Their bandcamp has their s/t full length album, which I'm sure a lot of you will enjoy. It's not uber chaotic, but has some extremely nice textures and atmospheric guitars sprawled all throughout it. I definitely hate post rock infiltrating screamo, but this isn't so overbearing and overdone. The only track that's long is the last track, and it's not really that bad, especially as a closer, when I suppose one should expect something really brooding and almost romantic sounding. Chaotically inclined post rock. It's not the most perfect album, but that in fact gives it the ingenuity that we need in this type of scene. Less perfection, more destruction which will lead to building something a little new, or at least fresh, from worn out parts. I like it. Get it. HELP THEM OUT. I'll be seeing them (hopefully) twice this week.
*Also if you haven't noticed, in order to give the bands more attention somehow, I've been trying to link their facebook profiles near the download on my posts. Usually, or if the band thinks it's a good idea, and sometimes it is and isn't, a band will post where to buy their stuff or shows or whatever. The best deal is info on contacting them.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
SWELLS - Illuminated Levels
If you haven't noticed, I probably will only ever post bandcamp links on here from now on... maybe. I just am not feeling uploading shit lately, it's not like it matters, there are a zillion other blogs with similar content on them.
Nice cover art. Chaotic screamo, simply put. The guitars are doing their own thing, which I really like. Released the last day of last year, so technically I guess this is a 2011 release, but it's the second screamo release of 2012 that I am totally into (the first being For Want Of's new one). I'm not in the mood to write reviews right now. I'm not in the mood for anything, but this is good. I swear, just give it a try. Listen to track four, it's got Spanish lyrics.
Also, I guess in the big picture it doesn't matter, but this shit redirects on Vote it into reality.
SWELLS - Illuminated Levels
* Holy shit I just realized that some of the other lyrics are in Spanish as well, at least I think. Maybe they're just in Spanish on bandcamp.

Also, I guess in the big picture it doesn't matter, but this shit redirects on Vote it into reality.
SWELLS - Illuminated Levels
* Holy shit I just realized that some of the other lyrics are in Spanish as well, at least I think. Maybe they're just in Spanish on bandcamp.
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