Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wreck And Reference - No Youth

This is a really cool (maybe) little band that has a pretty huge sound. Very atmospheric. Bands like this usually just play out one sound over and over, yet Wreck And Reference let their ideas spill out all over the 10 songs. Lyrically things are very desperate and unforgiving, so in one area you can say the idea is to be somewhat pained, but the music surrounding the pitfalls the lyrics are telling is pretty fucking colossal.What this does is turn every instrument sound into a doorway or driveway, or a bathroom, some part of the scenery that the lyrics are contained within. It's kind of a mix of Brighter Death Now and other stuff. Honestly it's varied. Sometimes things are drone influenced, other times they're noisy, and then other times it's post-metal. Even the vocals shift around from sung, spoken, screamed and back. What do you like? I believe that Wreck And Reference hits it at least once on this album. I also think that this band sometimes hits a sound that I can only describe as the negative wavelength of stuff such as M83 and other stuff like that. I don't know. It's all kinds of enjoyable.They're also about to shoot through a West Coast tour... I am probably going to miss out on their July 5th date at Human Resources because of work, but it would be cool.

Wreck And Reference - No Youth

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