IDK if I've ever mentioned this before, but I am HUGELY into Skycamefalling and have been since I was pretty young, courtesy of my friend Andrew, to whom I give infinite props. Anyhow, Skycamefalling was a band that started out as an extremely raw metallic hardcore band, with much of the hardcore influence left untainted, yet they utilized dissonant tritonery a-la bands such as Coalesce and Disembodied, but with a strangely different execution. They later grew to follow a more melodic, post hardcore influenced sound on 10.21, and then, with this EP took those influences to a higher level. This EP is beautiful, the songs still have intense hardcore segments, but much of it is soothing melodic post hardcore, with emotive clean singing from both Cameron and Christopher.
So if you're interested in metalcore with post hardcore influences that isn't a butchered overlay of the two in the most generic modern fashion, then I highly suggest you check this out.
Download (mediafire link since they're back up, and megaupload was failing)