I realize my last post was completely obnoxious and to show you how much writing all of that for just one band is completely worth it I will take time out of this post to further show you that I think Stationary Odyssey is very good. Okay now that we’re done with that we must continue into other territory. This band is very happy sounding, I think there is a lot to be said about girl vocalists nowadays, especially in our society full of bigamists and hardcore purists trying to branch out and say that this is more or less ‘all guy territory,’ and let’s face it, what options do you really have in the mainstream when It comes down to listening to female fronted vocalists?
The Donnas? Honestly, you don’t want to listen to them past a couple of their songs and they will more than likely just be ‘RADIO HITS!’ Zombina and the Skeletones play a really good fun type of sound that you will enjoy from start to finish if you’re into 45 Grave, Lemuria and The Unlovables (they sound more like The Unlovables than Lemuria), the difference here is that their subject matter is about B Horror Movies or Space Odysseys, or Sci-Fi flicks you’d rent on Friday night and watch with your best friends while doing your make-up, painting your nails black and listening to your extensive collection of really obscure Goth Punk hits. Each album seems to take the form of some story line, concept, and ends completely tragic. You’d think this would be full of lyrical wankery like Rush’s albums or The Mars Volta but nope, this right here is simple pop punk debauchery of any story telling, its so simple and catchy, so good. They released a trilogy of 7 inches that tell a complete tale, if you can hunt those down (all OOP I believe); eventually they might end up here. I won’t get in depth with each album like I did with the last post, but I will say kind words about them. THEY’RE ALL GOOD. Last.fm calls them Goth, Death Rock, yadda yadda, etc etc, but no way no how, this band is nothing short (or more) of pop punk with a different lyrical content. If you’re into what Glen Danzig has to say check them out, if you’re into Blink 182 give them a listen, if you like it when the girl next door gets murdered and then is stuffed full of plastic explosives then give it a try. Death Valley High and Taste the Blood Of…(their debut) are full lengths while Love Bits is one of their many E.P.s
Zombina and the Skeletones - Taste the Blood Of...
Zombina and the Skeletones - Death Valley High
Zombina and the Skeletones - Love Bits
- Manuel
p.s. I promise I'll start to write less and less, eventually.