Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shimmering Glasskite - Call Her Back Before She Decides To Open the Downstairs Closet and Finds Her Dead Boyfriend Wearing Your Favorite Shirt

This is when me and Mappy (the other fine man in this blog) attempted to be what I like to call 'Nuclear Screamos', we were really aiming for the future. Half way dance-like, wholeheartedly noisy; Shimmering Glasskite was all about dying young and pretending that we were a boy/girl synthskramz duel force attack. Mappy (the boy) was in charge of blistering vocals, that actually sound really good; and I (the girl) was in charge of making really loud noises and a beat that stood out its own. Eventually both his vocals and my music/noise blended so damn well that I'm actually really proud to say I made it. Haters galore appeared out of nowhere though, and our synthskramz was forever blackened into the unknown. There are at least five songs that were made and all were uploaded onto myspace, but if they are ever actually to be released is another story. At first this was made to be sold as a pure ultra violent noise machine CDR on VLV or on EBAY or somewhere somehow, but Matt| from CMHWAK never delivered on his end. :c.

Shimmering Glasskite - Call Her Back Before She Decides To Open the Downstairs Closet and Finds Her Dead Boyfriend Wearing Your Favorite Shirt


Anonymous said...

This is REALLY good. you should definitely do some more stuff and post it.

xAlicex said...

if anyone has this please please please send it to me

tumblrdoesnotexist said...

if u see this ever then plz share the download if u still have it :c

katie said...

someone pls reup this