XVPOPDMX: This is so loud and obnoxious, okay, it's not really obnoxious but it's still loud. Heavy and metallic screamo taking cues from bands with two vocalists and insane screaming, shouts and shrieks galore; at times like Usurp Synapse. For some reason, it could be that Vincent Price is in the band name, but this is at times really haunting in a way, I cannot explain it to any degree. When you get this, and try to extract, it won't let you get a few of the songs because of their long file names, but in order to remedy that all you have to do is open the .zip file and find the songs that need changing and rename them, but keeping the .mp3 at the end or else you'll end up with some worthless file. Also includes the split with The Clancy Six, who rip their throats to rags. It has all of their songs, according to the labels website and I think the quality goes from 128, to 196, to 320 and then back 128 as each song changes... which is good to know if you care about that stuff, I just thought it was weird.
Vincent Price's Orphan Powered Death Machine -
Discography http://dk.toastednet.org/KMO/VP-Discography.zip